bblopp media


BLOPP is a media service about the Internet of Things designed to help people automate their households with simple ideas and smart components compatible with Apple Homekit, Google Home and other popular ecosystems.


June 2021


UX/UI, web


Fedya Andryushin



Most people don’t see clearly how IoT devices can simplify their duties and increase comfort. They need references to learn and understand how smart home components can be combined.


A unified media platform that will let people share their personal experience plus a big and trustworthy catalogue of smart devices with localized instructions, firmware files and supporting communities.


Our goal was for the research to understand user pains and needs, and also to determine whether different people truly see the potential of smart homes and which regular activities could be automated. To get a clear picture, we used both a survey and series of interviews, targeting a diverse group ranging from students to professionals across various income levels and industries. Up next, you'll see some outstanding findings from this research.


  • The vast majority of respondents turn to the internet to find guides for devices when they encounter issues, indicating that effective search engine optimization could significantly expand the audience by capturing this proactive group looking for solutions.
  • Respondents with middle incomes often view smart home devices as excessively costly, which is not entirely accurate. A potential strategy to address this misconception includes introducing more budget-friendly options and clearly labeled pricing on certain products to appeal to this demographic.

Target audience

Initially, the team targeted a mature, affluent demographic based on:

  • Purchasing Power: Assumed they would invest in premium smart home tech aligning with their lifestyle.
  • Market Trends: Analysis suggested older, affluent consumers were upgrading their homes with the latest advancements.
  • Brand Alignment: A sophisticated, premium brand image was expected to resonate with their preferences.

However, first test has signalized that this demographic preferred minimal technology interaction and management, at odds with the platform's customizable nature. Feedback showed lower engagement compared to a younger, tech-savvy audience eager to personalize their smart homes.


Realizing the mismatch, we pivoted to target the younger, tech-savvy demographic whose values better aligned with the platform's capabilities and ethos.

This was supported by enhanced User Research and acknowledging the trend towards more interactive smart home ecosystems.
This shift allowed the platform to better meet the needs of the target demographic and position itself as an innovative leader in the space.


Currently, users looking to integrate smart home devices rely on a mix of online resources like blogs, videos, and specialized forums. While platforms like Smart Home Solver and CNet Smart Home provide guides and reviews, their content is often limited by policies and lacks depth in technical specifications and real-world usage insights. Although these resources offer a good starting point, they frequently fail to address specific user queries or provide interactive support. Community forums like /r/homeautomation and 4PDA offer user-generated content and support that can be invaluable for troubleshooting and advanced tips. However, these forums suffer from outdated interfaces and fragmented information, making it challenging for users to navigate and find comprehensive and reliable answers quickly.


Targeting in Search Engines (SEO)
  • Smart Home Research: Target keywords on smart home devices, setups, features; create guides, comparisons, buying guides
  • IoT How-To's: Optimize for long-tail smart home installation, customization, troubleshooting; position as go-to resource for intermediate IoT guidance
  • Community Engagement: Drive users to discussion forums, firmware/app libraries, local support; target keywords around smart home communities, user groups, niche topics
Google Ads Strategy
  • Smart Home Product Ads: Dynamic ads highlighting device info, ratings, purchasing; target keywords on specific products, brands, features
  • Smart Home Solution Ads: Ads solving common smart home challenges; drive traffic to solution-oriented content, community
  • Retargeting Campaigns: Reengage previous site visitors; tailor messaging based on user behaviors

Design system


Cross-platform Scene Ideas

Users can find inspiration and reference examples of how IoT can be integrated into daily routines. Each “idea” article can be cloned and adjusted for various smart home systems, to quickly switch referred devices, guides and reach wider range of audience from pros who prefer coding own “home assistant” and newbies with easy to use google home.

Microcommunities & "Discuss" Section

It’s hard to navigate bulky tech forums like 4pda when you’re trying to get firmware, troubleshoot your devices or ask owners a question before buying. To address this, we developed a "Discuss" module that combines these various inputs into a single, easy-to-filter experience. This reimagines the traditional forum model, allowing natural discussions while better organizing different types of user contributions.

Embed device or algorithm

Creators can enhance their guides by embedding device cards and "If, then" sequences. This method effectively demonstrates and clarifies the steps involved, making the information more accessible, especially for readers who prefer schematic thinking. By visually representing the processes, these tools help simplify complex instructions and ensure that users can easily follow and replicate the procedures in their own setups.

Device card

Consolidates key information to aid decision-making, featuring a straightforward green-red rating system from trusted marketplaces. It includes a price comparison tool, relevant ideas for usage, and a discuss module. This module allows users to conveniently browse through questions, feedback, and files, making it easier for them to gather comprehensive insights about each device before making a purchase.